Invited speakers present current research on a variety of topics relating to physics and astronomy; the departmental colloquium is generally held weekly. The talks are open to all members of the RPI community.
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Colloquia: Dr. Simon J.L. Billinge
Title: 'Real materials in action: everything, everywhere, all at once.' The complete abstract may be viewed following the link provided.
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: Dr. Xiangyi Meng, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Title: "Distinct statistical characteristics of quantum communication networks"
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Colloquia: Dr. Andreas Kleiner, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Title: "The National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade – Advancing the Physics of Fusion Energy"
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: Dr. Diana Sachmpazidi, Rochester Institute of Technology
Title: "Towards Cultural Change in Physics Programs: Discussing action plans and metrics"
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Colloquia: Dr. Donald Windover, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Title: “Metrology: looking behind the curtain of measurements.”
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: Dr. Cong Su, Yale University
Title: "Quantum engineering approaching atomic level"
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: Dr. Jianxi Gao, Rensselaer
Title: “Phase transitions in complex networks”
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: Dr. Frank van den Bosch, Yale University
Title: "Getting to the Core of Core Dynamics"
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy/Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering Joint Colloquium: Prof. Zetian Mi, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Title: "Near Research Opportunities of III-Nitride Semiconductors: From Artificial Photosynthesis to Ferroelectricity"
Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy is pleased to present The Professor Meyer H. Birnboim Endowed Lecture in Optics, featuring Dr. Julie Biteen.
Please join us for the upcoming Birnboim Lecture in Optics, featuring Dr. Julie Biteen, Janine Maddock Collegiate Professor of Chemistry and Biophysics, University of Michigan.