"The Fascinating Quantum World of Two-dimensional Materials: Symmetry, Interaction and Topological Effects"

Symmetry, interaction and topological effects, as well as environmental screening, dominate many of the quantum properties of reduced-dimensional systems and nanostructures. These effects often lead to manifestation of counter-intuitive concepts and phenomena that may not be so prominent or have not been seen in bulk materials.  In this talk, I present some fascinating physical phenomena discovered in recent studies of atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials.  A number of highly interesting and unexpected behaviors have been found – e.g., strongly bound excitons (electron-hole pairs) with unusual energy level structures and new topology-dictated optical selection rules, massless excitons, tunable magnetism and plasmonic properties, electron supercollimation, novel topological phases, etc. – adding to the promise of these 2D materials for exploration of new science and valuable applications. 
Darrin Communications Center (DCC) 337
Speaker: Steven G. Louie from Physics Department, University of California at Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
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